Electronic Building Identity

It includes all the elements of the building’s construction history. Building Permits plans (plans – views – sections – statics). Surface areas (m2) of closed main and auxiliary areas, semi-outdoor areas, pilotis, parking spaces (closed, covered, outdoor), swimming pools (indoor or uncovered) and other constructions [e.g. any installations in the uncovered space or the roof (cell antenna, PV, etc.)]. cc) the plans that accompany the operations of the Table of the above case iii and depict the property, i.e. floor plans of the floors it occupies, characteristic sections and views, as well as the accessibility study for the disabled and disabled persons, if required. In the event that the existing situation does not appear from the plans accompanying the issued acts, new architectural floor plans are drawn up and submitted

Based on Law 4495, the following supporting documents are required:

The building cost allocation study (if any)

The millimeter board (applies to common areas or self-contained divided property)

The construction permit of the building approved and considered by the urban planning with its revisions and plans

The construction control certificate (if issued)

The title deed

The energy performance certificate of parts or the whole building

The Certificate of Completion of the Electronic Identity of the Autonomous Divided Ownership

The establishment of horizontal/vertical properties, together with accompanying plans

The Bulletin of Structural Vulnerability of Arbitrariness (DE.DO.TA.A) and/or the static adequacy study and/or the Technical report of static control (if requested)

The plans of the floors that capture the final construction of the building and the divided property in its actual state, when this does not emerge from the elements of paragraphs a', b' and e', except for the common areas, the accessibility study for disabled people or PWD and the characteristic views and sections (if required)

The declarations of belonging to laws suspending the imposition of sanctions on arbitrary

The executives (and the updates/revisions) of the acts of execution of construction works (eg, Building Permit or Construction)

The Copy of cadastral sheet

It is important to note that in the event that the building permit and the data accompanying it are not found in the records of the relevant agency, a certificate of loss is submitted by the competent Building Agency instead.

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