Main control manifold of house heating system Independent heating system in boiler room at home. Water supply for underfloor heating.
Heating Systems with FAN COILS

Suitable for any type of building

Single pipe heating systems

with radiators and heating autonomy

Underfloor heating - cooling - air conditioning

in combination with FAN COILS or with a heat pump

Heating Installations

We have a fully organized and highly qualified electromechanical studies preparation department, which prepares heating studies related to the servicing of buildings and industrial facilities. We responsibly undertake the supervision of their construction, for buildings of all types and sizes (residential buildings, apartment buildings, shops, office buildings, hotels, educational institutions, kindergartens, cinemas, sports venues, event halls, etc.).

We have studied a significant number of projects concerning all known types of heating installations, namely:

Heating systems with FAN COILS

suitable for application in any new or existing building in the context of its radical renovation or reconstruction or energy upgrade, in combination with a central oil or natural gas or liquid gas boiler, individual natural gas or liquid gas or oil or electric boiler, heat pump, etc.

Underfloor heating - cooling - air conditioning systems combined with FAN COILS

κατάλληλα για εφαρμογή σε κάθε νέο κτίριο ή υφιστάμενο κτίριο στα πλαίσια ριζικής ανακαίνισης ή ανακατασκευής ή ενεργειακής αναβάθμισής του σε συνδυασμό με αντλία θερμότητας.

Floor heating

suitable for application in any new or existing building in the context of its radical renovation or reconstruction or energy upgrade, in combination with a central oil or natural gas or liquid gas boiler, individual natural gas or liquid gas or oil or electric boiler, heat pump, etc.

Underfloor heating - cooling - air conditioning systems combined with FAN COILS

suitable for application in any new building or existing building in the context of radical renovation or reconstruction or its energy upgrade in combination with a heat pump.

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